Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Christians, please act like it

by Brent Neumark
| June 6, 2013 9:00 PM

I am responding to Jeff Langford's May 30th article about true Christians. I am a friend of Jimmy Pappas. Thank you for your Godly advice, although the presentation seemed a little "Holier than Thou-ish." Those reading it might have been "turned off" by the typical Christian judgmentalism so often heard on the conservative-minded radio shows.

The bottom line is that people are looking for a loving God to help them through daily suffering. Christians that bash others over the head with Religiousity rather than exhibiting real compassion for our universal pain and brokenness, show lack of empathy. Hypocrisy to me is having a church point the finger at gays while secretly having the majority of its men looking at online pornography. Is God just smiling at that saying, "Oh well?" Christian men are also abusing their "head of household" authority over their submissive wives to verbally attack them. Is that the definition of a "true Christian?"

In reference to God not caring about who is in the White House, my Bible says that God allowed King Nebochadnezer during the Prophet Daniel's time to war against nations while amassing a large empire. Thousands were killed just like in the Iraq wars under President Bush. I am not sure what that accomplished other than Bush senior being proud of his Son. Under Bush's Administration, the wealthy were given free reign to manipulate the market and pay little tax. Amos 8 says: "Hear this you who trample the needy and do away with the poor, saying 'when the new Moon be over that we may sell ... skimping measure, boosting price, cheating...' The Lord will never forget anything they have done."

From the arrogance I heard from Republicans (I used to be one) there is little doubt in my mind that both parties promote sin. One against the unborn, and the other against the needy. I don't honestly believe the Republicans are into altruism; instead they have found the right hot buttons (abortion, gay rights, etc.) to push to hoodwink gullible Christians into enlisting with their party. The large majority of people are needing help which the Democratic Party is actually trying to give, even if their motives might be askew. I agree with you Jeff that this should be a grass roots thing and not politically based. Jesus worked in the midst of suffering as he still does, if only "True Christians" would take off their phony "Good Christian" masks recognizing their wretchedness, while giving up their critical and controlling natures.

Great people of faith invited Jesus to take over their lives so that HE could touch other lives through them. Without dying to self, we cannot effectively touch others' lives without hurting them with our disrespect in the process. Ask the Native Americans about how they were mistreated by Christians in past decades. Until we as Christians stop the performances to be good, and start recognizing our real inability to change ourselves (Romans 7), we will continue to alienate those we are trying to save. Rather, we need to utterly rely on and fall on the "Rock" who is Christ, listen to his voice and allow Him to live through our broken vessels of clay. It is said that 52 sermons a year are preached with little change made in congregants' characters. Thousands of true Christian Pastors are leaving the Church out of frustration and dishonor. Allowing Jesus to break our self-natures through the humiliations we go through (The Cross), without resistance to the long process, is the only way we truly change.

The Moravians, Quakers, Hudson Taylor, etc. knew this and they had great influence on the world. They were influenced by Francois Fenelon and Jean Guyon. You can get their books through Seedsowers online. These were true mature Christians! God works better through grace and those who get them(selves) out of the way for him to work through. Self-love brings anger, fear, guilt, striving, and stress. Our resistance causes our pain until we are in His true rest by being utterly abandoned and surrendered, allowing Him to wreck our lives if need be - unconditional faith. Some convince themselves that they are advancing spiritually through their many good works while they are only feeding their self-nature through their prideful accomplishments. God actually works better through our everyday reactions to adversity. Do we pass that test? When we are upset with others, it is generally about our own impatience. We can ask Him to conquer our Self-nature completely, which is far better than striving to be a better Christian. Just retiring constantly to His presence within is enough. All we have is a gift of His grace. Rules are instructive guides in love, not harsh restrictions. I bless you with peace and His continual rest, my friend.

Brent Neumark is a Coeur d'Alene resident.