Monday, October 07, 2024

Beta-Alanine/Carnosine a potent endurance booster

by Dr. Jerry Bailey
| June 5, 2013 9:00 PM

Carnosine aka Beta-Alanine is a potent buffer for the body. As an athlete increases their time exercising the body starts leaning more towards being acidic. Carnosine is fairly abundant in meat eaters but is really low in vegetarians or even lacto-ovo-vegetarians. The more carnosine a body has the better its ability to buffer the effects of endurance exercise. The less it has, the less ability it has.

Research has shown that Carnosine/beta-alanine is much better suited for endurance athletes than strength or sprint athletes. Its ability to alkalinize the bodies pH during long bouts of exercise is its greatest effect. It is gentle on the stomach whereas bicarbonate or other alkaline inducers tend to cause GI distress. As pH moves towards more acidity the greater the stress on the energy production factories, mitochondria, occurs. This results in the inability to produce ATP, our energy source, efficiently. Without this production of ATP the body shifts towards anaerobic metabolism which in inefficient and increases acidity even more. With less ATP being produced we reach the "bonk" or hit the wall much sooner than we should. This occurs not only in the athlete but we this mitochondrial dysfunction with chronic illness as a result of an acidic leaning body. By buffering the system the supplement allows for greater and longer ATP production and more endurance without any side effects. The more neutral or basic a system is, the more efficient it is in producing energy.

Higher dosages of carnosine/beta-alanine produced an acute numbness that goes away with in a short period of time. This has been the only noted side effect. This equates to >10mg/kg of bodyweight per two hours. Most common dosage is 4.8-6.4 grams per day divided into six to eight doses per day. This keeps the acute numbness from occurring. And unlike creatine monohydrate carnosine/beta-alanine does not produce any weight gain. It allows the body to workout longer and harder without any negative or unwanted side effects.

In a couple studies carnosine increased cycling efficiency and duration by 13 percent and 16.2 percent in 4 and 10 weeks during supplementation. The half life is up to 9 weeks after discontinuing supplementation. This means you still get the benefits for up to 2 months after stoping taking it. Carnosine is safe and effective at increasing stamina and endurance. It buffers the onset of the "bonk" and effectively buffers the pH of the body leaning it more towards basic verse acidic, a much healthier state.

If you are an endurance athlete, this is one effective safe supplement that could mean the difference finishing with a PR or not finishing at all.

Dr. Jerry Bailey is a Chiropractic Sports Physician, Certified Acupuncturist and Functional Nutritionist. He is currently attaining a Masters of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine with specialization in chronic disease treatment and sports nutrition. His unique perspective and evidence based care has been the key for clients wanting to attain health, along with athletes performing their best injury free and with strong recoveries.