Monday, September 23, 2024

Raising super healthy families

by Dr. Wendy CunninghamDC
| July 24, 2013 9:00 PM

Raising a healthy family is the goal of every parent. However, these days it is common to turn to medications for every pain and illness that comes along. Unfortunately, this sends a poor message to children, teaching them that when something is wrong there is a pill to fix it. Instead of this message, consider the message of natural wellness for your family.

Health comes from within. Chiropractic focuses on the body's natural ability to heal without the assistance of drugs. Chiropractors gently adjust misalignments in the spine, removing interference to the nervous system. This allows optimal communication between the brain and the rest of the body, so you can function optimally. With a chiropractor, your child will hear the empowering message that your incredible body can heal on its own.

On the other hand, teaching a drug-oriented philosophy from birth can lead to drug-dependency as an adult. Too many people buy into the philosophy that they need drugs to be healthy.While this may be true in limited cases of extreme pain, sickness and disease, it is not true or healthy as an overall philosophy or lifestyle.

A study in Chiropractic Research Journal compared the health and wellness of 200 children under chiropractic care to 200 children under convention medical care. The health of the chiropractic group was demonstrably superior with fewer ear infections, fewer allergies, and fewer cases of tonsillitis and asthma.

Your health care philosophy is your choice. You can choose to raise a healthy family by promoting optimal health and well-being using a reputable chiropractor. This will allow your family to operate at optimal wellness. Starting your children off on the right foot now will pave the way for their future.

For more information, email Dr. Wendy at