Monday, October 07, 2024

EXCHANGE: Yes, positives exist

| July 10, 2013 9:00 PM

I’m writing to give some feedback on Idaho’s Insurance Exchange. As an appointed member of the exchange board of directors, as well as a Representative in the Idaho House (District 28), I feel that I can speak to the various components of our insurance exchange, many of which are very positive.

First, by using local resources and many Idaho vendors to create our exchange, we are able to keep costs down. Our exchange fee will be only 1.5 percent of an insurance plan premium, rather than the Federal Government’s fee of 3.5 percent, saving Idaho residents 2 percent on each individual plan. In addition, using Idaho vendors creates additional jobs for our Idaho residents, helping us improve our economy.

Next, our exchange is completely voluntary, while the federal exchange requires individuals to use their portal. Though PPACA requires everyone to have insurance, our Idaho statute allows Idaho residents the option to explore what avenue is best for them, when purchasing an insurance plan; an independent broker or agent, the Idaho Health Exchange, employer offered benefits, or other options that meet their unique needs.

Another component that I’m very grateful for is that our insurance exchange is not allowed to use state funds to implement or manage the exchange. Idaho legislators made a stand and refused to put this burden on the backs of Idahoans. The Federal Government may be able to mandate the use of an exchange, but we refused to let them build it at our residents’ expense. They will foot the bill for this requirement, not us.

Though I don’t agree with PPACA and I know it isn’t the answer to our health-care crisis in this state, or in the nation, I do strongly feel that Idahoans are better served to have locals organizing, implementing and monitoring an exchange, rather than the Federal Government. I want residents of Idaho to know that the exchange board is working hard to establish a marketplace tool that will bring positive opportunities to Idaho’s residents. We are building a portal where Idaho residents may go to shop for the right coverage and the most cost-efficient package for their individual needs. We are creating a tool to help families find an insurance plan that fits their unique situation, at a competitive price. Time has proven, over and over again, that where companies compete for business, the consumer wins.


District 28