KERRY: Service record exemplary
I am replying to Mr. James Oswald’s letter to The Press printed Jan. 25 in which, when speaking of Senator and Secretary of State Nominee, John Kerry, the following statement was made: “he promised to release his military records (he didn’t, for fear of revealing his Dishonorable Discharge).”
Stating or implying that Senator Kerry received a “dishonorable discharge” is a blatant LIE!
I don’t usually take time to rebut such lies because if I did, that would consume all of my time. However, please keep writing them as sometimes they make me laugh.
The truth: “On February 16, 1978, Kerry received an “Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Naval Reserve.”
From the Washington Times, Monday, October 18, 2004, (hardly a left wing source):
“Navy documents show that in 1978, he received an “honorable discharge certificate” after a board of officers convened and reviewed his record. Navy officials say today that the board was standard operating procedure at that time for all reservists and does not indicate Mr. Kerry did anything wrong.”
This information was admitted while writing a “hit piece” on Senator Kerry.
The military records of Senator John Kerry may be reviewed at: .
Among those records you will find the following:
• Purple Heart Awards (3) for wounds received in action on Dec. 2, 1968, Feb. 20, 1969, and Mar. 17, 1969
• Silver Star for displaying “courage under fire, outstanding leadership, and exemplary professionalism” while acting as the Officer in Charge of a Tactical Command on Feb. 28, 1969.
• Bronze Star for “professionalism, great personal courage under fire, and complete dedication to duty” in rescuing, while wounded, a man overboard following a mine explosion, directing his gunners to provide supporting fire for the rescue, and towing a damaged boat to safety under enemy fire on March 13, 1969.
Major, USAFR Retired
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