GUNS: Common sense is lacking
Way to go Dennis. I could not have come up with a better, truthful, honest and above all, the most ignored killings of our times in America. Of course, none of this matters, except to a few folks who really care about the Second Amendment and what it really means.
If anyone wants to talk about mentally deranged people, General Custer leads the pack. Of course, they made a monument for his actions, didn’t they? So as usual, our government just picks and chooses who is nuts and who isn’t.
I know for sure, I for one feel a whole lot safer knowing that the forms we all filled out concerning nut cases and felons, that they will be put in prison for lying on that form, really gives me the warm fuzzies. Not to mention those magazines with all those rounds in them, that will surely stop a lot of killings, going from 40 rounds to 10. Yes sir, like I heard on the radio this morning, a guy (a senator) said, “At least with a 10-round clip, there won’t be so many killed at one time.”
I guess 10 is a whole lot better than 20, huh? Whoops — what happens if he has two 10-round clips? Never thought about that.
What really makes me worried is that we elected these people, and they have absolutely no common sense. Not one single thing that was passed by the President will stop a shooting. But rest assured, the paperwork is sure done right.