Saturday, December 28, 2024

BOARD: Goal is thwarting voters

| February 27, 2013 9:49 PM

The will of Idaho voters is at risk of being overturned by legislation proposed by the Idaho School Board Association (ISBA). At no time during my 35 years in Idaho have I seen such unbridled arrogance.

Through referendum last November, voters rejected legislation that would silence the voice of teachers. The lopsided collective bargaining schemes and restrictions in Proposition 1 were defeated. This year ISBA is trotting out the same ridiculous proposals. Their argument is they (supposedly) need these statutes to effectively manage school districts. Nonsense! School boards and local teachers have been using current laws effectively for more than 40 years. When did local school boards become so incompetent? Can trustees only be effective managers if they rig the bargaining process and not allow teachers to have meaningful input into their careers?

It is worth pointing out that ISBA is funded primarily through trustees’ dues that are paid for by local school districts. These dollars come directly from the very taxpayers and voters who rejected these laws less than six months ago.

Should school board members be members of their state association? Certainly. Should their association be involved in denying Idaho voters the right of decision? Absolutely not!

Contact your Senator or Representative and tell them to vote No on HB 164 and SB 1094. Don’t let Idaho School Board Association and the legislature muzzle you too.


Coeur d’Alene