Saturday, December 28, 2024

REFORM: Voters should feel insulted

| February 22, 2013 8:35 PM

Attention Idaho voters: Your legislators think you are stupid. After you overwhelmingly voted down the Luna Laws in the last election, they did not take your “no” as a “no.” They assumed you poor simpletons misunderstood, so they are now repackaging most of those rejected laws—omitting Luna’s name whenever possible—in hopes that your miniscule minds might get it right this time. At the very least they are confident that with some rewording you won’t recognize what you’ve seen before. They believe that by removing their poorly planned measure on technology you won’t spot the other poor plans they are re-offering, and you can also expect them to try the tricks of the D.C. politicians they supposedly despise, like attaching bills you don’t want to those you do.

In the same way our local school board allowed personal politics to wipe out the wishes of the people by overruling district voters and rejecting the IB program, these supposed representatives have adopted the attitude that they know what is best for you and when they want your input they will give it to you. They do not believe you will be offended when they re-gift their already rejected package, and they are confident that with new wrapping paper you will be fooled about what’s inside.

Our lawmakers are treating us like children who need to be told what’s good for us, since we obviously can’t decide for ourselves. But voters can see that it is the legislature, in fact, that is acting like a headstrong child who hopes to keep pestering the parents until they wear down and give up, and they assume we are too stupid to be insulted by such childish tactics.

I suggest it is our job to be insulted and act like competent adults by voting these arrogant agenda-pushers out of office. If we don’t we will be proving that their low opinion of voter intelligence is accurate.

