Sunday, October 06, 2024

COLUMN: Logic and vision impaired

| February 20, 2013 8:00 PM

In response to Frank Orzell’s “My Turn” of February 15th, I would say that Mr. Orzell has totally missed the point of the “Vision 2030” presentations. The presentations are offering our community the opportunity to do exactly what he complains that it won’t. In his point a, he says we have no definition of “community” and yet in his very next point b, he says our “community” is divided. Does he think we have a community or not?

He also says the timing is not right. I think the timing could not be more perfect. What better time than now to try to bring all factions of our community together and pool all our ideas to make our community better in the future?

Mr. Orzell says Steven Ames is presenting an “end state” proposal with no discussion of how we proceed. Mr. Orzell must have gone to a different presentation than I attended because what I heard at mine was simply a way to begin the process of gathering ideas for all facets of our community as to bettering our area for the future. End product, cost, process and time are all part of the melding of all these ideas and input from all of our people who choose to participate.

In my opinion, It is exactly the kind of negativity that Mr. Orzell expounds that prevents our community from moving forward and healing old wounds. Mr. Ames was simply showing how this process worked in his community of Bend, Ore.


Coeur d’Alene