Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Community Thanks February 10, 2013

| February 10, 2013 8:00 PM

GRANT: A big help to our residents

This letter expresses our collective thanks for our recent $1,000 grant from the Gears for Change Helen Lewerenz Mica Peak Century ride, a ministry of St. Luke's Episcopal Church.

These funds are a big help to our residents, particularly supporting the costs of our life skills training.

One such resident who benefits from this training is 'Mary,' a 50-plus year-old mother, widow, and an inspiration to the rest of the residents at our Gilbert Avenue group home. She is a participant in the Kootenai County Mental Health Court (MHC) program and moved into Trinity Group Home in November 2012, very soon after her husband had drowned in the Spokane River following a boating accident.

Mary is still in grief, but her amazing personality has motivated her roommates and the staff of Trinity. She has an infectious attitude, has also become an inspiration to her fellow members of the MHC program, serving as a mentor for several of the younger participants.

Judge John Mitchell has praised her for her support for other participants, when in truth one would expect her to be the one needing support. She has transformed the group home, keeping her room and the public space in excellent shape. These past three months, she has taken on the task of painting the interior of her half of the group home, with bright colors, and doing an excellent job.

The planning team of Gears for Change of St. Luke's awarded $1,000 to help our residents with the life skills program, including the training and costs of food used to prepare the weekly meals.

We always need to cover 20 percent of the costs of our operations as residents pay about 80 percent of our total costs. This grant is so helpful in meeting that challenge to raise a portion of our operating costs.


Robert S. Runkle

Executive Director

Trinity Group Homes, Inc.

SHOVELING: Help is much appreciated

I called The Post Falls High School to hire a kid to shovel snow at our place because of recent surgery. I got a call from faculty member Mark Jones and also told him that I am 72 years old. Within an hour our snow was shoveled. The 5 kids and Mark wouldn't take any pay for the job. We are deeply touched and grateful for this community service by the faculty and students at Post Falls High School. With kids like this, we the future of our community looks very good.


Gary and Inez Edwards

PACKAGES: All donations appreciated

For several years we have been sending boxes of items to soldiers and airmen in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have strived to make each care package unique with much thought put into the contents. Small things that lift the spirits and dull the edge from hard days and sleepless nights in faraway lands. Some things we purchase, while others have been donated by local businesses.

We would like to take a moment to thank some of these generous men and women for helping us to bring some cheer to our nation's finest overseas:

1. The Bulldog Pipe and Cigar store in the Silverlake Mall, not only for the very popular magazines, but recently for the expensive box of quality cigars. The men will truly appreciate them.

2. Dr. Dick, my skilled dentist who not only is helping us with a terrific package, but also ships supplies and equipment to ravaged Haiti.

3. The hardworking staff of Meckel Engineering and Surveying who kindly donated enough cash to purchase new Leatherman multitools and Surefire flashlights for an entire helicopter squadron (over $1,500). They were to replace the broken ones the airmen had been issued.

4. Sportsman's Warehouse on Government Way, who gave us enough discounts to provide all the multitools and flashlights they had in stock.

5. WalMart in Post Falls who matched the discount from the Warehouse to allow us to fill the entire request of 16 sets, including extra batteries.

6. Michael's craft store, who supply us with everything from model kits to harmonicas, have such low prices I have never even asked for a discount.

7. Scott at Rocky Mountain Distributing in Dalton Gardens, who supplied us with the kites we had searched so long for. They fit into the 12-by-12 inch boxes.

8. Lastly the ladies and gentlemen of the Friends of Post Falls Library. They not only gave us so many nice books, they boys evidently cried, "uncle," but also paid the postage.

Each of these local businesses and the patriotic Americans who own and staff them deserve our enduring gratitude. They have the heartfelt thanks of the young men and women who eagerly open each box.


Post Falls

ANGELS: Were they in my midst?

I want to thank two special people who helped me after a car accident on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. As I do not know whom you are I must make mention that your kindness in a unusual circumstance helped me ... The first responder was a mother of a two year old ... She was not practicing paramedics any more due to motherhood ... She made me stay straight ahead not moving until the EMT'S arrived. Because of her kindness and love of her child, I staid still. I had six children and when she spoke of her child, I cried. Whoever you are ... Thank you with all my heart!

A dark haired beauty gently dropped by ... She got to her knees and smiled and said: "Can I help you"? I was a bit out of it, but remembered my job at Goodwill and told her:

"Can you tell Goodwill that I will be late to work today?"

She came in closer to look at my badge ... "Beth, is your name?" I said: "Yes". And off she went as light footed as she arrived! I did not see her come, nor did I see her leave, but true to her word she notified my job...

Life has unexpected moments for us all ... some hurt, some cause joy! In my situation on this unusual day ... I do not know whom these beautiful women were ... But, I want to thank them and do not truly know how thank them and I consider them "angels in my midst."

Thank you!


Coeur d'Alene