Saturday, October 12, 2024

Roe v. Wade anniversary: 40 years of bloodshed

by Bob Holliday
| February 6, 2013 8:00 PM

Delusion is reality without truth.

As a nation we are very much aware of the cost of securing freedom. Fighting evil with conviction inevitably leads to bloodshed and loss of life. Our soldiers die and our enemies die. Due to the right of our cause we can validate this bloodshed as necessary. Without this conviction there would be no freedom and no nation. We take great pride in and build memorials to, those we call hero's who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. We have redeemed our nation through the blood of our citizens.

Paradoxically our inordinate shedding of innocent blood among ourselves reveals a misunderstanding of real freedom and the dignity of life. We have had enough of people shooting our children. We are ready to do whatever is necessary to eradicate and remedy this evil among us. Though not a part of Hitler's war machine, how does history remember the German citizen, who watched the atrocities and turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to the monstrous genocide perpetrated on some 6 million defenseless and innocent souls?

It is time to do something more about the senseless bloodshed in our country. Bloodshed is not always fatal, but when we think of bloodshed and carnage in the same sentence we think of death. To think about a child bleeding to death is appalling. Is blood shed when a baby is aborted?

The commercial now playing, produced by the Center for Reproductive Rights celebrating the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, is appalling. The scene is in a romantic setting with wine and a rose, to commemorate the 40 years women and abortion have been together. The actor with seductive verbiage and body language portrays a lover speaking to his love. At the start he says, "Hey baby did you think I would ever forget our anniversary?" He uses the word baby many times to imply he is talking to his lover. It is ironic that the word baby is used so often in this commercial because, since 1973, 55 million babies in this land of the free have been killed through abortion. Later he says, "They try to tear us apart." As if to say, the enemies of abortion are so foolish to think that they can separate us. This statement is also quite ironic; abortion basically tears the baby limb from limb - probably the most gruesome bloodshed imaginable.

We should thank the Center for Reproductive Rights for trivializing this horrendous massacre of life called abortion. Since when does the shedding of innocent blood not matter? Since 1973. A swell for right will be the backlash against this commercials' selfish insensitivity and arrogance. When opponents get uncivil and aloof, they open wide the door to reason.

Thanks to science and the new information coming on the scene through Fetology it will not be long until the child in the womb will legally have the same rights as any other citizen in our country. Those who have turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to the plight of the defenseless and innocent murdered by Roe v. Wade mandates will make the German citizenry look like choir children compared to this generation.

All that has been said above has to do with the basic premise that life begins at conception and the idea that shedding blood is evil. Please go to the Internet and spend some time investigating the strides being made in Fetology. Do the do-diligence if you really want truth. Here is a good place to start - write in your search engine "Part of the Mothers Body." An excerpt from that article reads, "The slogan, 'My Body, My Choice,' betrays a tragic misunderstanding of what is taking place inside the womb. At no point in pregnancy is the developing embryo or fetus simply a part of the mother's body." This article just scratches the surface of the good science Fetology is revealing. God, turn our hearts to your will on this issue.

Bob Holliday is a Post Falls resident.