Saturday, December 28, 2024

ABORTION: Set a moral example

| February 3, 2013 8:00 PM

In response to Laura Rose’s letter about “Roe is here to stay,” you asked the question of a man, what he has done in his life to help women prevent unintended pregnancy. You then tried to give him the correct answer. Your answer is not only completely wrong, it does not address the real problem.

You say that Mr. Neumann should support birth control access and provide free contraception. In doing so you asked him what he and others like him are doing about prevention and to be honest with our intentions.

The first thing anyone should do is take care of his own house. My wife and I have raised our children to wait until marriage to engage in activities that are only intended for it. If you think that is unrealistic, it is because it takes teaching and setting an example on the part of the parent or adult. You have to live your life before your children of what is right and not offer birth control as an option if they decide they cannot wait.

To follow your answer would only teach my children to not be responsible for their actions and that they do not have to exercise self control. The American public is not responsible for my children’s lack of self control nor should they bear the cost of killing or preventing the birth of a child.

Roe vs Wade needs to be overturned. Yet we still hear the same cry from women like yourselves who claim that coat hangers and back alley abortions will be the result. You call an abortion a difficult decision even for a woman of faith. It should not be if the woman believes in a God that can help them. The execution of a child is not an option. I grow weary of listening to women like yourself who act like martyrs over this cause when you are not the one who is being killed.

So Laura Rose, not only am I in opposition to your answer, I will tell you my intention should I have the opportunity to deal with any woman with an wanted pregnancy. Rather than try to legislate approval of immoral behavior, I will offer to help counsel any woman to protect “her body” from an unwanted pregnancy by staying away from an immoral man who would try to cause it out of wedlock. And if it was too late, I would be willing to do anything to prevent the abortion up to and including offering to adopt the baby myself, as I have offered in the past. My intentions are based on love for the child, not the discarding of a inconvenient “fetus.”

