MOM: Don't blame the schools
Is Monique Freeman for real? How could you possibly blame the school for what you failed to do at home? If my child was in a classroom with a child that is continually “disruptive” I would insist that the administrators remove and place him somewhere more appropriate (most would probably like to lock him in a closet).
Too often this same scenario plays out every day in our public schools. Many districts feel that their hands are tied in dealing with these less than acceptable individuals for fear of legal repercussions. I would guess that these same situations are what prompted the evolution of the charter school system in that such behavior has a zero tolerance.
Ms. Freeman, may I suggest that YOU deal with your child and bring him up to the standards that are required to be a part of any social environment. By the time your child was old enough to enter school, those skills should have been taught to him at home. Quit blaming the school and take some ownership. The public school system is not your baby sitter. And entering an elementary school and confronting the staff by “yelling” says mountains about your own judgment. One can only wonder where your child learned to be “disruptive.”
Spirit Lake