Thursday, October 10, 2024

Watch as Obama's web of lies falls apart

| December 10, 2013 8:00 PM

"Unanswered Prayers" was the title of a hit song by Garth Brooks in 1990. The lyrics of this song expressed the idea that heartbreak and sadness of a failed relationship may lead to something even better than what was prayed for - in the long run - and that some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

Prayers from American citizens who wanted to uphold the Constitution and to bring common sense to the USA during the last presidential election, prayed fervently to save our country from the threat of having a socialist agenda rule our country by having the conservative presidential candidate win the election. Yet those prayers seemed to have been unanswered when the "Progressive," that is, the "socialist/communist" branch of the Democratic Party won another term for their candidate.

Had Mitt Romney won the election of 2012 and made this country a safer and more stable country, the myth of the greatness of Obama would have continued throughout history. But because Obama did win a second term, it allowed something to happen that seemed to be the only thing that would convince some Americans that the Obama policy would hurt them personally. Until the effects of the new health-care laws affected Obama voters personally by taking away their health insurance choices, or by causing them to lose jobs or hours of employment, or by causing them to lose their businesses, did they fully comprehend the full threat to their own lives under Obama policy. Only then did they understand the concept of spreading and sharing the wealth applied also to their "sharing" whatever they might have.

Because Obama did win, we conservatives now have the unique and priceless opportunity to observe previously-obsessed supporters of the liberal agenda come to question - if not to criticize - the Obama agenda since the so-called health care legislation began to take effect. Before this unique time of the revelation of lies and manipulations by the current president and his staff, these obsessed supporters had gotten their information from the liberal-biased press, who in turn got their "talking points" from a source who tells them what to think and what to say. It is obvious that the liberal media have been given words or terms to use because in most of the biased sources' reports they usually use the same word or term as the other liberal media sources do. As an example of the parroting from the liberal information source, on election night the liberal media all used the word "lament" when referencing Bill O'Reilly's observation that Obama was the likely winner, in spite of the fact that he presented the information simply as fact.

The information source for the liberal agenda is the only "transparent" branch of the government - the "fourth" branch. The orders given to the media were to blame anyone or anything, whether Bush, Republicans, Tea Party, Big Business, Ted Cruz, the Insurance companies ... whoever, and not to be held accountable for any action. Another order to the liberal media was that no responsibility would be assigned to any branch of government in authority (often using the excuse that they simply didn't know) ... and if necessary, to use a lower-level employee as a sacrificial scapegoat. Or else send a "representative" out to speak in place of the person who was the actual person in question. (Strangely, these sacrificial representatives have mostly been women.) The lies that were told by this administration were ignored by the liberal media.

The liberal media was urged to use certain words to persuade the population to support their agenda. For instance, the word "racial" was used at any opportunity to weaken the opponent; the word "educate" was used instead of "inform"; the word "invest" was used instead of the word "spend." The bearers of the Obama philosophy and agenda were instructed that moral guidelines of addressing anyone opposing their viewpoint did not exist...they were free to use venom and hate and lies.

Because voters who previously voted for Obama have now had their own lives impacted by the new laws, I like to think perhaps there is hope that they will vote more thoughtfully and informed at the next us a chance to return to a country that is not rapidly imploding because of imposed crises on both the home front and on the foreign front. The problem to this happening is that there are now more "takers" than "makers" in the USA, and the takers will bring down the country before they will give up their "entitlements."

Another encouraging factor to consider for a return to our traditional American heritage is all the strong once-liberals who, upon using common sense instead of the emotional knee-jerk assessments of the "progressives," have changed their political philosophy to become leaders in conservatism, including: Charles Krauthammer, Andrew Breitbart, Ronald Reagan, Michele Bachmann, Dick Morris and Michael Medved. Many of us have roots with the Democratic Party...back when the presidents stated "The buck stops here," and "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Back when the presidents could be trusted to tell the truth and you wouldn't have to consider that the word "period" when spoken by a president would necessarily have an implied asterisk.

Many of us have grown to value our freedom and the right to make our own choices, and we hope that others who might have taken this right for granted will reconsider their political choices that will impact their right to not be told what to eat, drive, believe, and how to worship. We don't want our whereabouts monitored and reported, what we do with water that runs off our home and what temperature to keep our house and how long we use our appliances. We don't want our private information available to everyone through a government database.

Past attempts to force socialism on people have proven unsuccessful. For instance, when Russia was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the people could not choose their own vocation, they could not choose where to travel or move, newspaper articles were written two weeks in advance, and events such as airplane crashes were not even reported.

May God bless both America and the patriots who are working to keep personal freedom in our country.

Karen Parrish Norskog is a Post Falls resident.