Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Bald eagle migration has begun

by Phil Cooper/Special to the Press
| December 5, 2013 8:00 PM

Bald eagles have begun to return to Wolf Lodge Bay on Lake Coeur d'Alene.

The annual migration of these magnificent birds has begun and the number available here for our viewing enjoyment is growing. It is likely there will be more than 200 eagles soaring around Wolf Lodge Bay by Christmas.

The eagles are stopping here to take advantage of easy meals, as the mature kokanee salmon in Lake Coeur d'Alene complete their life cycle and die after they spawn on the submerged gravels in Wolf Lodge Bay.

By nature's standards, this is not a longtime event. Kokanee were introduced to the lake in 1937 and discovered by the eagles on their normal southward migration in search of open waters and available food.

Once the kokanee supply dwindles, the eagles will continue to the Klamath Basin of Oregon-California, or into southern Idaho and Utah.

The bald eagle is probably the most widely recognized symbol in the United States. It first appeared on a coin in 1776 and officially became our national symbol in 1782. Associated with strength and freedom, the bald eagle is unique to North America. Concentrations are found today in the northwestern United States, Alaska, western Canada, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River and the U.S. Atlantic Coast. When the first Europeans arrived in North America, there were 25,000 nesting pairs of bald eagles.

While most today admire and appreciate the bald eagle, it hasn't always been so. From 1917 until 1952, more than 100,000 bald eagles were shot in Alaska, before statehood, under the belief they were competitors with humans for salmon. Other actions, such as development in critical habitats and pesticide use, inadvertently had negative effects upon eagles. By 1970, there were only 1,500 breeding pairs remaining.

The Bald Eagle Protection Act of 1940 prohibited killing of eagles and first protected the species' habitat. In 1978, the Endangered Species Act listed bald eagles as "endangered" in 43 states and "threatened" in five states, providingfurther protection. Reduced direct killing of eagles and the banning of certain pesticides have enabled eagles to exhibit dramatic recovery.

The bald eagle has a wingspan up to 7 feet. Males weigh 8 to 10 pounds; females are larger at 10 to 14 pounds. The white heads and chocolate brown and black bodies of adult bald eagles make it easy to recognize them instantly. Young birds have a brown head until maturity at age 4 to 5. Many immature bald eagles are mistaken for golden eagles.

Fish, whether dead or alive, are the preferred fare of bald eagles. Waterfowl, small mammals and winter or road-killed deer are also used when available.

As with all living things, food, water, shelter and space are the essential elements of the habitat of an eagle. If any one of these is missing or unavailable, eagles will not be present. When areas north of us freeze making fish unavailable, the eagles head our way. Also necessary are suitable large trees used as perching sites for foraging and resting. They require variable amounts of security from disturbance. Some become tolerant of human presence, others are easily disturbed.

To observe eagles on Lake Coeur d'Alene, travel to Higgens Point or Mineral Ridge on Wolf Lodge Bay. Higgens Point is probably the safest place to view from, as the Mineral Ridge side of the bay has a very limited number of pullouts and there are numerous blind corners.

To avoid disturbing the birds, please use the following precautions. Use binoculars or spotting scopes so you may view details without the need to be close. Vehicles disturb eagles less than walking people do, so parking safely off the road and viewing with binoculars is a good method. Watch the bird's body language. If you are too close, it will appear uneasy. Remain quiet and move slowly. It is illegal and unsafe to stop on a public roadway, so please use turnouts or parking lots to view eagles.

The daily life of an eagle in Wolf Lodge includes a dawn flight from a nightly roost over a mile away. Feeding activity begins upon arrival at the lake and continues throughout the early morning. Eagles will locate a fish from the air or a perch, glide over the water and grab the fish with its sharp talons. Returning to a feeding perch in a tree, the eagle tears pieces off with its beak to eat the fish. Feeding slows at mid-day, then resumes late in afternoon before the flight back to the roost.

Eagle numbers on Lake Coeur d'Alene generally peak around Christmas Day, but many remain in the area well into January. With kokanee numbers higher than they have been, it should be a great year to watch eagles close to home!

Bring your thermos full of hot chocolate and make a day of viewing a magnificent bird and national symbol - a sight that few in the country have an opportunity to view at such a close range.

Phil Cooper is the wildlife conservation educator for the Panhandle Region.