Wednesday, October 09, 2024

US Bank volunteers share vision to Live United

| December 1, 2013 8:00 PM

Sherri Schaffer and Rebecca Greer of US Bank set the bar high for the United Way of Kootenai County Employee Giving Fundraising Campaign. For more than half a decade, each has dedicated countless hours annually to bring new awareness and employee engagement to an already generous company-wide campaign. However, it is more than just a pledge they seek, but a culture of understanding and active giving with hearts and hands, as well.

Sherri Schaffer, Administrative Assistant for North Idaho/Palouse Business Banking, coordinates the Campaign for the four Kootenai County US Bank branches. Along with branch leaders, she plans kick-off meeting presentations and explains to the employees the importance of United Way in our community.

"Sherri is very passionate about giving back to our communities for those in need," states Rick Murray, US Bank Region President, "and she understands our employee giving to United Way has a significant impact in people's daily lives. Sherri is very creative, inspiring and consistently gains the support of her fellow employees to give to the United Way cause. Our employee giving has increased every year under Sherri's leadership."

"I see United Way as the expert in understanding the needs in our community," claims Schaffer, "and collaborating with individual agencies to ensure the need is being met to the greatest extent possible. Many of us go to our daily jobs, earn decent pay, drive dependable cars, sleep in warm houses, and never miss a meal. We don't often see or realize that so many in our community are truly struggling, hungry and homeless. They are in need of a small hand up, and it is up to those of us that are able, to help."

This year was particularly memorable to me," Schaffer continues, "because my 14-year-old daughter got involved and helped me make invitations and decorations for our Cd'A Branch kick-off meeting. Together we planned the games and the prizes. We came up with the theme, "Give from Your Heart," and cut out pink and red construction paper hearts with United Way facts on them, and hung them all over the branch the week prior to the meeting. I was proud of my daughter for wanting to help make a difference."

Rebecca Greer, Project Manager/Assistant Vice President of the US Bank Service Center, leads her campaign charge by holding information sessions and "fun" raising events within her work site (casual weeks, bake sales, penny drives, etc.) which raise an additional several thousand dollars outside of employee giving campaign.

"This year we had over 40 information sessions," says Greer. "We talk about how far a dollar can go and we explain how donated funds are used."

"Rebecca works tirelessly to ensure all employees have an opportunity to learn more about the United Way and how they can participate," touts Scott Tostengard, Vice President of Customer Service for the Coeur d'Alene Service Center. "She sincerely wants to make a positive impact in our community. Each year, in conjunction with the United Way Day of Caring and our campaign kickoff, we sponsor a food drive where our employees are encouraged to bring food items to work which will be shared with the local food banks. The results of our recent food drives include over 9,300 pounds of food and $8,000 contributed to our local food banks."

"Volunteering is my addiction, a disease that is contagious," shares Greer. "I am proud that our department is not afraid to get their hands dirty, from the leadership down. It is that dedication to make it important from our leadership that is the only way I have the support to run the campaign. It is a corporate culture and priority to give back to our communities. Two years ago US Bank was awarded the United Way World Wide Spirit of America award which recognized our company and its employees' commitment and support to United Way. Our CEO has been a loyal supporter of United Way for over 30 years."

US Bank is proud of its partnership and longstanding commitment to the United Way. The organization believes giving to United Way is the most effective way to make the biggest impact on our communities by helping the greatest need and the most people. United Way of Kootenai County ensures a wide range of services are available to those in need; providing support to people in crisis, and working to effect lasting change by creating opportunities for a better life for everyone. United Way is the only organization in which US Bank invites employees to make personal contributions. In addition to the United Way gift in 2013, US Bank donated over $175,000 to 23 non-profit agencies in the Northern Idaho Region. The 560 employees of Kootenai County volunteer to provide support and service to individuals, businesses and civic partners, helping to make our community strong, healthy and empowered.

Sherri Schaffer has lived in Coeur d'Alene all her life and been an employee with US Bank for 17 years. She is married to her high school sweetheart, Wes, of 22 years and has twin 14-year-old daughters, Alyssa and Brooklyn. She enjoys camping, shopping, traveling, decorating, crafting and hanging out with friends.

Rebecca Greer has worked for US Bank for almost eight years, is a Post Falls resident and a proud mother of a 3 1/2-year-old son. Her favorite things to do to unwind are ride her motorcycle or float the river.

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The United Way of Kootenai County Volunteer Center


* "One-Stop Volunteer Resource Center" for the whole community

* Ongoing and one-time volunteer opportunities


(208) 667-8112

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