Monday, October 07, 2024

GUNS: Senate aids terrorists

| April 24, 2013 9:00 PM

Way to go NRA, gun manufacturers, 90 percent of Republican senators (including both Idaho senators), and 10 percent of Democratic senators! You have made it possible for terrorists, murderers, rapists and the dangerously mentally ill to continue to buy their guns at gun shows and over the Internet without going through any background check.

On April 17 members of the U.S. Senate had an opportunity to vote on a background check bill supported by 87 percent of Americans. This bill would have made background checks mandatory for gun purchases at gun shows and over the Internet. Keeping any sort of registry of the background checks would have been made a felony, subject to up to 15 years in prison for offenders. You would still have been able to sell your gun individually, or pass your gun on to a family member without going to get a background check. Background checks for gun shows and Internet sales would simply have prevented felons, terrorists and the dangerously mentally ill from using these sources for buying guns. Our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms would have been strictly protected.

Thanks to the NRA and our senators, al-Qaida can continue to circulate their video which urges terrorists to come to the U.S. and purchase weapons at gun shows without any worry about a background check. Thanks to 41 Republican and five Democratic senators who voted against background checks, terrorists, felons, gang members and the severely mentally ill have continued access to weapons through gun show and Internet sales.

Once upon a time the NRA was a great organization that promoted training, sportsmanship, safety and continued opportunities for hunting and other gun sports. Over the past 20 years or so, they have become nothing but shills for gun manufacturers. They no longer represent the views of the vast majority of hunters and other gun owners.

Shame on the senators who put their NRA rating and campaign contributions ahead of the good of the country and the will of the people. And shame on those who would continue to re-elect these political cowards.

