Saturday, October 05, 2024

ELECTRICITY: A different perspective

| April 7, 2013 9:00 PM

In response to the letter on March 31 “Electricity: Cost continues to escalate.” I would like to offer a different perspective of Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. (KEC). We operate on a nonprofit basis and are directly owned, governed and regulated by those we serve. Our board of directors are members of the Cooperative who are elected by their fellow members to regulate us. Every decision they make is responsive to the needs of our members. As the general manager, my job is to ensure their directives are carried out.

We know these are tough economic times. Keeping rates as low as possible is a priority to us. As a preference customer, we have access to some of the lowest cost power in the nation through the Bonneville Power Administration’s hydro resources. While our cost of doing business has steadily increased over the past four years, we have been able to shield our members from these increases by finding more efficient ways to operate. But our efforts certainly don’t stop there. We have also continued to improve the reliability of our electric service and increased our options for members. That is no small feat.

One of the core values of a cooperative is the philosophy of members helping members. We are proud to say more than 60 percent of our members voluntarily contribute to programs aimed at bettering our communities and aiding struggling members with their electric bill. We also offer free home energy audits, robust rebates on conservation investments and expert guidance on how to use electricity efficiently. To understand why cooperatives like KEC are different and to learn more about our member-centered programs, visit

In short, we believe our member-focused culture is a far cry from what permeated ENRON.


General Manager, Kootenai Electric Cooperative