Tuesday, October 08, 2024

This fall, be 'bear aware'

| September 20, 2012 9:00 PM


<p>SHAWN GUST/Press file A young black bear sleeps in a tree in a Coeur d'Alene resident's yard.</p>


This fall, be 'bear aware'

In preparation for denning, Idaho's black bears are on the move, looking for any and all food sources that might help them gain weight.

High calorie human foods are a major attractant, particularly if they are easy to obtain. With that in mind, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game officials are urging hunters and other outdoor recreationists, together with homeowners who live in more rural settings, to use common sense and be "bear aware."

"Statewide drought and another prolonged fire season have resulted in the loss of natural bear foods in many areas," IDFG conservation officer Matt O'Connell said. "As such, we've seen an uptick in the number of bear sightings in and around rural residential areas and other places where human foods are present, such as campgrounds."

A cooler full of groceries left on a picnic table, unsecured garbage at a residence, dog food outside, low-hanging bird feeders or food stored in a hunting camp wall tent are attractive, easy marks for a hungry bear.

"All bears are opportunists; their whole life revolves around food," IDFG conservation educator Evin Oneale said. "They remember every single location where they receive a food reward, and if they get one from your camp or residence, they will be back for more."

That spells trouble for everyone, particularly the bear.

"The pattern is always the same," O'Connell said. "A food reward only encourages the bear to return, where it becomes more bold and aggressive as it searches out additional food. The situation can quickly deteriorate into an issue of human safety."

Oneale agreed.

"The old adage, 'A fed bear is a dead bear,' isn't just a catchy slogan, it's reality," he said. "You can't relocate a bear that has learned bad habits; it will only cause the same trouble in its new location. So too often, because of irresponsible human behavior, it is the bear that pays the price with its life."

The good news is this sad scenario is completely avoidable.

"Common sense in bear country is really all that's needed," O'Connell said. "Securing food, garbage and anything else that a bear might consider food is the answer. If a bear does not receive a food reward, it will move on."

Homeowners, campers and hunters can help keep bears wild and avoid costly property damage themselves by taking some simple precautions:

• Keep pet food secured as you do your own, and not in a bowl outdoors. Bears like pet food as much as your dog or cat.

• Avoid filling bird feeders until wintertime.

• Keep garbage in a secure location and place it at the curb only on the morning of pick up.

• When selecting a campsite, look for recent signs of bear activity. If you see them, look for an alternative campsite.

• Keep your camp clean; cook and prepare food well away from your sleeping area.

• Do not store food in your tent.

• Hang your food away from your sleeping area in a bag at least 10 feet off the ground and at least 4 feet from the nearest trunk. Or use commercially available bear-resistant containers, and locate them away from your sleeping area.

• Do not store personal hygiene products, such as toothpaste or deodorant, in your tent; secure these items with your food.

• Do not bury or throw garbage into the nearby woods. Burn all combustible garbage thoroughly and secure the remainder with your food.

• Hang harvested animals at least 10 feet off the ground and at least 4 feet from the nearest tree trunk. A meat pole slung between two trees is a good option.

If you encounter a persistent or aggressive bear, contact your local IDFG office with the details.

Unpleasant experiences with bears are mostly avoidable. Taking some simple, preventive measures and using good old-fashioned common sense will go a long way toward minimizing bear conflicts this fall.

Archery hunter bitten in encounter with grizzly bear

A nonresident hunter was bitten, but not seriously injured, when he and his hunting partner went back to retrieve a bull elk shot the evening before.

The pair was following the elk's blood trail when they were suddenly charged by a grizzly bear. The bear bit one hunter on the arm and then ran back into thick cover.

The hunters were not carrying bear spray or firearms. The pair was able to hike four miles out and drove to the medical clinic in Ashton, where the hunter was treated for his injuries and released. The Michigan hunter had been archery-hunting the area for elk for 14 years.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game mails out "How to Hunt Safely in Grizzly Bear Country" brochures to all hunters holding tags for elk hunts in areas that are known to be frequented by grizzlies.

The incident occurred near Sheridan Creek and was originally handled by the Fremont County Sheriff's Office until the GPS coordinates of the location indicated that the incident actually occurred in Clark County. IDFG, along with the U.S. Forest Service is handling the remainder of the investigation.

The Forest Service has posted the area to alert the public about grizzly bear activity.

All hunters in the Island Park area are encouraged to carry bear spray and have it readily accessible. When returning to retrieve game it is important to make lots of noise and be ready to encounter a bear. If a bear has claimed their animal, hunters may contact IDFG about a replacement tag. If a hunter has time to field dress an animal, but cannot remove it all before dark, the entrails should be moved as far as possible from the carcass and items with human scent left in the area.