Saturday, October 12, 2024

OBAMA: Here's why he'll win

| October 31, 2012 9:00 PM

It’s FANTASTIC — Experts forecasting a close race for president of the U.S.! Obama has been a very good decision maker — not that I always agree with his policies, especially our still being in the second most ridiculous war in our history, second only to Iraq, both of them left to him by George Bush — a man who lost his first popular vote presidential election but was elected by a 5 to 4 vote of the Supreme Court. Obama’s domestic policies have been very good for the great majority of us, despite his vain attempts to cooperate and negotiate with people who announced their only aim is his failure.

President Obama, contrary to ridiculous insults, is a native born U.S. citizen, as were his mother and her parents who raised him after her far too early death. He was an excellent student at Harvard Law, an earnest helper of the unfortunate in Chicago, a successful attorney, and then served in both local and federal elected positions prior to his presidential election. He inherited George Bush’s disaster, and managed to get barely enough Republican agreement to avoid complete national ruin at the hands of Wall Street gamblers. President Obama is one of us, a generous, thoughtful, patriotic American. He helped stop the recession, and a second term will enable him to help revive our prosperity.

The contrast with his opponent is as absolute as in any other election in our history. Mitt Romney has been on both sides of almost every controversy in our politics. He sometimes seems unsure; what is his present position? He seems such a fine fellow — but the victims of his rise to great riches would dispute that. Mitt was never poor — his father and grandfather made sure of that; but how did he become a multi-millionaire? He borrowed funds from rich Central American refugees who lived here because they were too hated to return home. With these funds he bought control of a flourishing company, and paid himself outrageously high salary and bonuses until the company was bankrupt. The other stockholders lost their money, the workers lost their jobs and pensions, local people lost a supplier, and local and federal governments lost a source of taxes, but Mitt became a multimillionaire with much of the money stashed overseas. All very legal, very dishonest, and Capitalism at its worst. Few decent capitalists would stoop so low.

Why didn’t anyone sue? Attorneys probably advised against it — too powerful an opponent, and probably five Supreme Court judges would rule as expected. With this huge fortune, Romney has paid a very small percentage in taxes.

A President Mitt Romney would be free to attempt the ending of democracy as we have known it, with millions of our fellow citizens prevented from voting in future elections. Corporations might be free from regulation and thus free to pollute our air and drinking water, forget industrial safety, and make much of our nation uninhabitable, all in the pursuit of profit.

Why is this election not forecast OBAMA 90 percent?

MISINFORMATION IS RAMPANT NATIONWIDE, WITH MUCH OF IT FINANCED BY PSEUDO-HUMAN CORPORATIONS! This could be our last chance, for generations, to save the democracy for which so many of us fought, and so many have died.


Coeur d’Alene