Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Birth control causes more abortions

by Evelyn Montreuil
| October 31, 2012 9:00 PM

The Wednesday Oct. 17, Cd'A Press "Food and Health" section had a piece written by AP medical writer Lauren Neergaard titled Study: Free birth control leads to fewer abortions. Actually the opposite is true because all birth control meds and devices are abortifacient. How does it happen?

By break through ovulation, meaning the egg [ovum] does come out of the ovary. From the book "Who's at the Center of your Marriage" by Patrick McCrystal, a Northern Ireland pharmacist, here are the numbers he gives on the different contraceptives causing break through ovulation - combined Pill up to 5 percent, Progestogen only Pill up to 60 percent, I.U.D up to 100 percent, Norplant 10 to 50 percent, Depo Provera injection 1 percent.

When Birth Control does not stop the egg coming out of the ovary and fertilization happens in the Fallopian tube, the newly conceived child after about 7 days moves on into the uterus. There it seeks to implant but it cannot because all Birth Control can make the uterine lining hostile to implantation of these first cells of the new human in which all the DNA is present in its cells giving its own personhood. We were all at that stage once. So not implanted it dies and is washed out in the next menstrual period without the woman knowing it did indeed exist. These miniature abortions are countless in numbers. Never in the history of humanity has there been such destruction of pre-born life. So you see birth control does not lead to fewer abortions. What a war on the unborn! It is also a war on women by polluting their bodies with drugs and devices to change its nature causing nausea, loss of libido, breast cancer and reducing the woman to a sexual object for man's gratification at all times.

And now we have Obamacare with its Health and Human Services mandate requiring all employers to provide insurance covering free birth control. Religious institutions would have to go against their beliefs that all abortion is evil and is against the command "Thou Shall Not Kill" Our God gave us the sexual union for two purposes: the Unitive [love of husband and wife] and the Procreative [to have children]. Today's society with its Birth Control has removed these two purposes and reduced sexual intercourse to a recreational pleasure, hence there is a dissolution of virtues and values in the young, living together outside of marriage, perversions, same sex couples, abortion legal all nine months of the pregnancy for any reason, and even the downward slide of getting rid of the unwanted elderly, the ill, the handicapped-Euthanasia. This happened in Nazi Germany in 1930s and 40s. History can repeat itself! Children should be our treasure and we should love and protect our fellow man from conception to natural death. Birth Control and abortion are big business and Planned Parenthood gets huge sums of money from our Federal Government. There are those who really think contraception is the panacea for the world's ills but there are those in it for the love of the false god MONEY.

The spacing of children does not require contraception. The woman's egg lives only 24 hours. the man's sperm up to 5 days. Thus they can conceive about 1 week out of the monthly cycle. By abstaining from sex during the fertile time pregnancy is avoided. And believe it or not Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. The woman knows her man loves her when he abstains. Knowing the fertile time also helps those trying to achieve pregnancy. Information on all the situations affecting nature's way has been taught at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane for over 30 years.. And still is with an extension here in Cd'A. It is called Natural Family Planning.

Evelyn Montreuil is a Dalton Gardens resident.