Saturday, September 28, 2024

GAS: Get out and walk, people

| October 26, 2012 9:00 PM

I have an opinion on gas prices that I would like to announce.

I believe that we the people and the citizens should do something about the prices of gas. Driving to work and many other places as I live in Post Falls, I know that most prices are high. Down by Lewiston, it can be up to $4 a gallon. I think that everyone should not drive since most places are fairly close, like within the city that one lives in. As I know it costs some bit of money for gas these days, why not ride bikes to work or school, or just walk?

Sometimes I think they should lower the prices of hybrid cars because then more people can buy them and the companies would still get their profit and most of the money spent on gas could be used for other items such as food and bills and not $45-80 on gas that lasts about one to two weeks.

Thank you for reading my letter on my opinion on gas prices.


Post Falls