Wednesday, October 09, 2024

JOBS: Yes, the poor pitch in

| October 14, 2012 9:00 PM

One of my friends, who recently wrote a column for the newspaper, asked me, “How many poor people have created jobs?” The answer is, “All of them.” Poor and working people buy food, pay rent and contribute 100 percent of their incomes immediately back into the economy. Businesses don’t create jobs, customers create jobs.

Let’s see, should I vote for someone who has worked all his life helping the less fortunate or should I vote for someone who is the president and sole shareholder of a company that buys failing companies, ships jobs overseas, pays themselves millions from the company’s books, milks the companies dry and leaves the taxpayers holding the bag for millions in unpaid pensions and taxes?

Another thing: How come the well-to-do hate socialism for the working and poor people so much and love socialism for the rich? How come the working poor pay a 35 percent tax rate and the idle rich pay a 15 percent tax rate? How come taxes for the rich have declined from 90 percent under Eisenhower to 35 percent under Clinton and they still whine about paying too much in taxes? (FYI, I have been over the top 3 percent but gave most of it away.)

Just thinking out loud.


Coeur d’Alene