Sunday, October 13, 2024

Candidate profile: NIC trustee, Vickie Ambrosetti

| October 1, 2012 6:30 AM



Profession: Homemaker

Educational background: Community college and University

Public service (elected or appointed offices):

Community service (service clubs, nonprofit boards, etc.):  Birthright

How many years as a resident of your city:  19

Marital status:  Married

Family: four children; six grandchildren

Hobbies: Photography and gardening

1. Why are you running for office?

To have the opportunity to participate in making the decisions that will continue to serve the students by providing the quality education that has earned NIC's reputation of being one of the best community colleges in our country.

2.  What do you see as the three biggest issues you'll face?  

Keeping the tuition the down, keeping the cost of textbooks reasonable and keeping the quality of education high.

3. If elected, what steps will you take to resolve these issues?

If elected, I will do my best to perform my duty as an elected Trustee. Trustee, by definition, means to become a guardian. It will be my goal to see that every dollar is spent to best serve the students of NIC.

4. What specific skills or expeirence qualify you for this job?

While my husband was in the Navy, our family moved every two to three years. This provided our children the opportunity to attend Department of Defense schools, private schools and they were homeschooled. These experiences have given me a great insight on the edcucational needs and challenges of today's students and future students who desire a higher level of education.  

5. Why should voters elect you, rather than an opponent?  

I know very little about my opponents in that I am not running against an incumbent.  Voters should vote for me because I will do my very best to serve the students and the community of North Idaho College.