Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Candidate profile: NIC trustee, Ron Nilson

| October 1, 2012 8:47 AM

Birth date: 8/31/52

Profession: Business Owner, Ground Force Manufacturing

Educational background: North Seattle Community College, Shoreline Community College & Pima Community College; strong focus on business and communication.

Public service (elected or appointed offices):  KTEC Board of Directors, Pacific N.W. Economic Region (PNWER) appointed by Governor Otter

Community service (service clubs, nonprofit boards, etc.):

KTEC - Vice Chair, Executive Board; Boys & Girls Club - Board Member; North Idaho Manufacturing Consortium - Board Chairman; NIC Booster Club - Board Member; Greene Idaho Foundation - Board Member; Post Falls Chamber of Commerce - Chairman of the Board; Ignite Hope Warming Shelter - Founding Board Member

How many years as a resident of your city:  12 years

Marital status:  Married - Pam (40) years

Family: Wife, (5) children and (9) Grandchildren

Hobbies: Golf, Reading & Traveling with Family

1. Why are you running for office?

The children in our community are our future leaders. The education they receive and how they are taught to manage their skills moving forward is key to their success. NIC holds the tools to educate and motivate our children in the right direction to ensure the future of North Idaho moving forward. As a business leader, I'm in a unique position to bridge the gap between education and local businesses - creating a WIN, WIN, WIN - for NIC, the students and future local employers. I'll help re-engage the “Voice” of the local community to our North Idaho “Community” College.

 2. What do you see as the three biggest issues you'll face?

We need to raise the bar on the “Status Quo.” Continuing to do things the same way they have always been done limits change and in turn growth. The 3 items I will tackle while in office are:

• Creating transparency

• Ensuring fiscal responsibility

• Increasing graduate and placement rates

 3. If elected, what steps will you take to resolve these issues?

 Creating Transparency - We desperately need to involve our public. This free counsel is invaluable and has a true investment in the success of NIC. Our local citizens and business leaders of Kootenai County have much more insight and true care for our college than the outside consultants hired with “tax dollars”. I will work hard to make sure project costs and plans will be shared with the community before moving forward, allowing all cities to take part in the final vision.

Ensuring Fiscal Responsibility - We owe it to the students and teachers to make sure they are the financial focus. I will make sure the budgeted funds get to the classrooms to ensure we are making the most impact with our tax dollars, as the classroom is where we will find the true measure of our success. I will work to abolish the current Board's policy of continuing to take foregone taxes, as this does not produce economic success for our students or the local taxpayers.

 Increasing graduate and placement stats - NIC needs a better tracking system for graduate and placement rates. Currently the system is inaccurate and hard to measure. Better tracking will allow for better measure which will help give our community the statistics it needs to make decisions in regards to future funding. I will work towards making sure we have programs in place to allow for all types of students to graduate, ready to be an asset to our local employers, as well as moving on to 4-year colleges.

 4. What specific skills or experience qualify you for this job?

As the owner and CEO of a successful multi-national company, I oversee a multi-million dollar budget. As a member of 10 local boards, engaging on a daily basis with our community, I bring a fresh perspective from the private sector that the current NIC board lacks. On the heels of the KTEC success, I'll build a direct connection between K-12, higher education and the local business community.

 5. Why should voters elect you, rather than an opponent?

I have a passion for our local education and the students in our community. I have been successful in making a difference in our educational system. I have proven through my involvement of KTEC, this to be true. I believe I can make this same impact on NIC and re-engage the Board with the local community. I am actively involved in all my community service organizations and will continue with this same “hands on” approach to the NIC Board. I will be the “Voice” of the local business leader, giving a fresh new perspective to the NIC Board, allowing for the growth and change this community needs for success today and in the future.