Monday, October 14, 2024

DEMS: A place for real balance

| November 24, 2012 8:15 PM

Democrats, take heart and come out of the closet in Kootenai County! Our nine brave candidates on the general election ballot for Idaho state legislature seats garnered from 29-43 percent of the votes in their districts. You can reasonably assume that in a randomly aggregated group, about one in every three will identify as leaning or strong Democrat. You are not alone!

Also, in spite of the radical left ranting that goes on around here, our Democratic values and ideas are mainstream as evidenced by the vote nationally on election day.

If there is to be balance brought to our state government, we all need to get out and work to change things. Keep an eye on the Community Calendar in this newspaper or visit the Kootenai Democrats’ website to find the Democratic happenings in this area. Join us for comradeship and lively discussion and add to our growing list of ideas for action.


