Sunday, October 06, 2024

Trustees declare vacancy ... again

Staff Writer | November 20, 2012 8:32 PM

COEUR d'ALENE - School trustees in Coeur d'Alene have set the timeline for appointing a new trustee to fill the Zone 1 seat from which Jim Purtee recently resigned.

During a special meeting on Monday, trustees officially declared a vacancy on the school board and said they will accept applications from interested parties until Dec. 12. They will likely interview eligible applicants during a special meeting planned for Dec. 17, and could possibly select someone for appointment during that meeting.

"I think the goal would be to have someone in place by the January meeting," said Tom Hamilton, board chair.

Purtee announced his resignation last month, to be effective Nov. 15. He cited personal health concerns as the reason for his departure. Purtee was appointed to the Zone 1 seat in April.

Board member eligibility requires the candidate be a registered voter in the school district, with residency in the zone that he or she represents.

Zone 1 covers the eastern section of the school district, encompassing the entire area east of 15th Street from the school district's northern to southern boundaries.

Idaho Code 33-504 gives school boards 90 days after declaring a vacancy to fill the empty seat with a qualified individual residing within the trustee zone. If the seat cannot be filled within 90 days, the board has up to 120 days to select an appointee from at-large within the school district's boundaries.

"Is there any other justification for going outside the zone?" asked Trustee Ann Seddon, who was selected for appointment herself in May.

Hamilton said that if a suitable candidate is not found within the zone from the "first round" of applicants they can seek an appointee from anywhere within the district.

An official call for candidates will likely come from the board within the next few days, detailing the application procedure.

In the past, trustees have requested that each applicant submit a resume and letter of interest including a statement about the candidate's background; the applicant's main reasons for applying for the school trustee position and what he or she hopes to accomplish if appointed. In the past, they have required that the letter be typed, double-spaced using a 12-point font, and be no more than two pages long.

Whomever is selected to fill the position will serve until June 30, 2013. In order to continue in the position after that time, he or she will have to win election to the seat in May.