Sunday, October 06, 2024

ISSUES: Don't miss the big ones

| March 23, 2012 9:00 PM

I attended the town hall meeting at the Hayden City Hall on March 17 and was completely amazed at the questions to our representatives and senator. There were questions of animal torture, abortion, drug testing welfare recipients, texting while driving and workplace breaks, which dominated the night.

I understand these are issues of concern, but I believe there are much greater issues at hand. Our bill of rights is being trampled on, our governor wanting to give land to China, the Attorney General giving weapons to the Mexican drug cartels while wanting to brainwash our children that guns are bad, SOPA (which censors the internet), NDAA (gives the president the power to arrest anyone, by the military, indefinitely, without trial or lawyer), NDRP (martial law), HR658 (allows drones to fly over the states), HR347 (takes away part of our First Amendment right), the police shooting a drug addict 10 plus times (excessive force?), and so much more.

Yes we need to deal with the questions asked, but our priorities need to be focused on the most important issues at hand; where our tax money is going, and why is it, our government must be involved in every aspect of our lives? I cannot even think of any aspect of life where government isn’t involved, can you? As Judge Andrew Napolitano says, “Government is best that governs least.”

