Thursday, October 10, 2024

Idaho fails at government spending transparency

| March 14, 2012 10:19 AM

Idaho is the least transparent state in the nation when it comes to online access to government spending data.

That's according to a new report by U.S. PIRG, the federation of Public Interest Research Groups.

The nonprofit consumer advocacy group's research analysts gave Idaho an "F" grade and a score of 6, the lowest of all 50 states. Texas was given the highest score of 98.

There were four other states that received a failing grade: Montana, Arkansas, Iowa and Wyoming.

Nearly every state in the nation provides some level of online access to its checkbook. Idaho is among four states with no online checkbook at all.

Out of 100 possible points, Idaho was given five points for “Contract or Summary Information” because pre-purchase orders can be viewed online at

Idaho received one point for "feedback" because visitors to the state's website are given contact information but are not invited to give feedback.