Saturday, October 19, 2024

THIEF: Maybe no place is safe

| March 4, 2012 8:00 PM

Who would believe that there could be a thief lurking in the Post Falls library? Certainly not this senior lady who just went there to use a computer in the computer room, but that is exactly what happened.

I had my purse lying on the counter beside me, and the thief was seated next to me — he distracted me with a question, then he was gone — along with my purse, which had been a birthday gift from my daughter.

Luckily I had my keys in my jacket, so I could get home, but my checks, credit cards, Social Security card, drivers license and medical cards were GONE! I spent the afternoon canceling everything, and still have to get duplicates of some of the cards. The $20 cash he took was the least of the matter, although the taking of my cell phone with prepaid minutes was a definite loss.

Hopefully, the police can catch this crook and I have been assured they will be working on it.

If you go to the library, which I always thought only had honest people using the facility, be very careful — even if the next person is only two feet away. If you are like me, a struggling senior this might happen to you. Don’t take a chance.


Post Falls