Friday, October 11, 2024

OPERA: A treat for grateful seniors

| March 4, 2012 8:00 PM

We would like to thank Lake City High School for a wonderful afternoon we had Feb. 4.

There was an ad in The Press for a small production of Chinese opera for a fee of only $2. Like most senior citizens who are on Social Security alone we must watch our pennies in order to survive. (Last outing was two years ago to see a movie — taken from our food budget fund.) We felt like splurging so planned our outing; we were so excited we arrived 45 minutes early!

With $4 in hand we approached the ticket window. The lady asked our ages (both in our 80s) and then said, “You two have paid enough taxes in our lives; you get in by free admission tickets.” We both felt as if we had won the lottery!

We enjoyed the opera — “Marvelous Monkey King” — very much. The gymnast did an excellent job; it must have taken them many hours of practice to perform their stunts. The voice projection was shaky and faint at first as might be expected by young people; but, as the opera progressed, became strong and audible to all ages.

The supporting musicians did an excellent job of keeping their rhythmic accompaniment in time with the various paces of the gymnasts.

The opera was only an hour long. The pleasure we received is still a pleasant daily memory.

Once again our gratitude to LCHS for giving us a great outing. 

