Monday, October 07, 2024

AMERICA: Not what it once was

| July 25, 2012 9:15 PM

Joe asked me if I would lead the recent Newport High School all class reunion in the pledge of allegiance to our flag which I was very happy to do. I tried to emphasize God and Republic. I led the pledge with serious mixed emotion. Our flag is no longer a symbol of the America I grew up in but is now a symbol of just another communist nation that I fear has destroyed the greatest hope for man kind.

Our electorate has decided to place a communist in our White House that is bent on destroying our capitalist form of government which has made America the land of the free and home of the brave, the shining city on the hill for over two hundred years.

Until the mid 40’ a Socialist party was alive and well in American politics but was disbanded when the Democratic Party adopted the socialist platform. Most of us in America were born as Democrats and without education into the pitfalls of socialism and communism remain Democrats. Thankfully some have made themselves aware of American Exceptionalism that understands hard work and individual responsibility is what made our country so great.

Now we have an administration in place that is taking from those that want to work and give to the dependent class in America that these socialist programs have encouraged to increase by leaps and bounds during Obama’s first term in office.

And now to top off the destruction of our Republic, the 2nd Amendment is about to be stripped from our Bill Of Rights thanks to the United Nations Treaty on gun control. This action is being pushed by the Obama administration and is favored by his Sec. Of State self-described “Progressive,” Hillary Clinton. May God have mercy on this once great nation’s soul.


U.S. Navy, retired
