Thursday, October 10, 2024

USA: Lacking true leadership

| July 18, 2012 9:15 PM

In response to the overwhelming political opinion that is being thrust on to me by the news, family and friends I just want to ask one question: When in the last several decades did we lose the focus of what is good for the country in lieu of what is good for the party? I am a registered voter but I have not voted in the last several elections because of the fact that I do not vote per party. I look at what our country needs out of a leader, whether that leader be a Republican or a Democrat, and make my decisions based on that.

What I have found is that our political parties have not had a candidate who is even remotely up to par for what our country needs. I grow tired of the everlasting diatribe of it doesn’t matter who is on the ballot, as long as they are a Republican (or a Democrat) that is how I am going to vote. I find even in my own family that they do not approve of who is running for office but they still vote because of the persons political party.

Why can’t we as Americans begin backing the people with the experience and the knowledge that will help America come back from a recession and start concentrating on our future, instead of backing those who hide behind a political party, who are popular or who have just enough money to buy people off? Bad form, America.


Coeur d’Alene