Thursday, October 17, 2024

More on McEuen meeting

by Linda Wolovich
| July 13, 2012 2:15 AM

On June 28, Team McEuen presented their current plans. The article in The Press on that presentation appeared on June 29. That article did not report many things (probably due to time and space constraints) that the general public would be quite interested in knowing. What follows comes from extensive notes taken a little over a week ago today, complete with some exact quotes:

Team McEuen has drilled several holes between 15 and 40 feet in depth, and the area has received a "clean bill of health." They reported there is some wood waste, but "the good news is that 15 feet down there is rock." They reported the site is "very manageable."

The plan is being developed into five districts: Harbor, Plaza, Front Avenue, Trail and Recreation. There will be "district markers" of some sort in each of these areas to label them for people to say, "Meet me at..." Within each district there will be at least 1, and sometimes 2, "very large scale" art pieces.

Three structures were discussed. The "Harbor House" is planned to be 916 square feet and to be placed by the edge of the lake to "serve for a Tubbs Hill lead-in." The Pavilion will have an 11,000-square-foot roof. Part of it will include four open-air areas, each of which will be able to accommodate 80 people. There will be counters behind them with water access. The plan is to keep maintenance to a minimum. The East Toilet will be 835 square feet.

The playground will have a "nostalgic, historical" theme including a fire tower overlooking the area, a railroad trestle-like crossover for the Centennial Trail, a sawmill, a waterwheel, perhaps mining theme and a tugboat element, "perhaps cut up with some of it planted so kids can get on it." Dan Gookin gave kudos for this play area reflecting the Pacific Northwest.

The parking lot under Front Avenue is planned to stretch from The Resort to Parkside Place.

This parking lot will increase the current parking in McEuen and along Front by 10 spaces, achieved by angling the parking on Front from 40 spaces to a planned 82 spaces above ground. The parking planned by City Hall will increase total parking for the McEuen re-make by 179 spaces.

It was stressed that the 25-boat trailer spaces now planned by the launch would be converted to 75-car spaces should the boat launch be removed. One member present stated he, for one, "hopes the boat launch can always be there," and that if Silver Beach can be developed, as well, that would be even better. He was most happy to see the compromise regarding the launch parking.

Energy-saving LED lighting will be used: 100 percent at dusk, 50 percent around 10, possibly 10 percent at midnight.

Dog Park volunteers have taken over the funding for that feature, possibly with a separation for dog sizes. It will be 200-by-100 square feet, just south of the present 3rd base on McEuen I and will not be on Tubbs.

The Legion Baseball Field was discussed extensively. Because it is not supposed to be moved without an equal or better place to play, Ron Edinger said it should not be moved out until the 15th Street replacement is complete. Doug Eastwood said they are "looking at five or six options" for a temporary replacement including Persons and Ramsey. Mayor Bloem stated that even in the interim, it will be better than now.

At this point, the "swear word" mentioned in The Press' article occurred when Ron said, "Sh!t," and immediately went on to stress that four councilmembers have said it would not be moved until equal or better would be available: Deanna, Mike, Sandi and himself. Ron then said he didn't care about the interim, but the important thing is what the four of them have said. Deanna and Sandi continued supporting the moving of the field at the end of this season. Steve Adams tried to get the discussion back to "compromise" and to keep the field until the new one is ready. Another person at the table said it has to be moved in order for other elements to take place. Woody ended it by thanking Team McEuen for their presentation. During this entire discussion, Ron was present, and did not walk out, as reported in our paper.

At this point, Dan said that a lot of people are very upset and suggested we "hold off until the economy gets better." He stated that "based on the 2011 election, we two (Dan and Steve) are here" because of McEuen.

Sandi then said, "I hope you will get on board." There is a 4-3 vote, and "it is time to move on."

Linda Wolovich is a Coeur d'Alene resident.