Sunday, October 13, 2024

DEFENSE: Keep it strong, America

| July 11, 2012 9:15 PM

America’s air superiority is in jeopardy? Our overall national defense is in jeopardy? It is starting to look that way.

Six months until automatic national budget cuts go into effect, called sequestration. If Congress doesn’t pull a budget together by January 2013, automatic cuts across the board go into effect. This includes the defense budget as well. This includes cutting the building of vital next-generation equipment already in the works and partially built. This includes the F-35 serving to equip and update our U.S. Military for air supremacy, preparedness and readiness.

Southwest Idaho is a strong, pro-defense, pro-military area. We understand the importance of a strong national defense, protecting our country against all threats.

Congress needs to see that not operating within a budget is no way to run a business or a country. While they are squabbling politically, our national defense and protection will be the loser. Please contact your U.S. Senators, asking them to vote for a strong defense budget.

