Monday, October 14, 2024

North Idaho Briefs January 28, 2012

| January 28, 2012 8:00 PM

Board member sought for Bridge Academy

COEUR d'ALENE - Kootenai Bridge Academy is seeking a new board member.

Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. Prospective members must be legal residents of Kootenai County.

The new board member is expected to assume their duties in June and be willing to attend training sessions in June and July at school expense.

Info: Charles Kenna at 930-4515 or

Citizen open house set for Tuesday night

RATHDRUM - The city of Rathdrum will host a citizen open house on Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 8047 W. Main St., to provide information and answer questions on any city-related topics.

"The city has, as one of its stated values, a commitment to open and inclusive government," said Brett Boyer, city administrator.

City officials, including Mayor Vic Holmes, Boyer and department heads, will be on hand to discuss how the city government works, hear what's on citizens' minds and answer questions.

After a short introduction about city government, attendees can visit stations according to city departments.

"It will be informal so that people who do not like to ask questions in a meeting can get an answer one on one," Boyer said.

"We believe that if we educate our citizens it will also expand the pool of volunteers for city commissions and boards."

Punch and cookies will be provided.