Saturday, October 12, 2024

CHRISTIANS: Stand up against assault

| January 20, 2012 8:00 PM

Churches across this nation should take a lesson from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It's time to take our country in another direction. 

Christian Religious freedoms are constantly under attack by leftist courts, atheists and non-Christian religions. We can redirect this country through a coalition of Christians. We can start roaring like lions rather than acting like lambs.

MLK wasn't afraid of the government taking away his Tax Exempt Status. He used the mighty pulpit to express his righteous indignation. Other churches have followed suit and so should the Christian ministries. The time is now to bring the leftist attacks against Christians to a screeching halt. Christians are a huge voting bloc with a loud voice. Make your voice heard from the valleys to mountain tops, we are not going to take it anymore!

Let us peacefully rise and demand the return of our dignity and right to believe as Christians. Our preachers and teachers must keep us informed and apprised of attacks coming our way so we can fight back. We must forget our party affiliations, and target any politician that confirms or appoints a leftist liberal, anti-Christian or gay-rights activist to the federal bench.

Likewise, we must expel state and local judges and politicians who threaten our right to practice our beliefs. The Founding Fathers gave us a Constitution which insured freedom of religion and even freedom for non-believers, but they didn't intend for any secular group to reign over another.

When New Jersey administrative law judge Solomon Metzger ruled that the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a United Methodist Church affiliate, violated the civil right of a lesbian couple, Ms. Bernstein and Ms. Paster, by refusing to marry them at the church camp based upon religious grounds, Metzger ruled the church violated Berstein/Paster's civil rights and in addition removed the camp's tax exempt status. The politicians responsible for appointing Metzger and other grievous appointments or confirmations should face the wrath of the Christian community on Election Day!


Coeur d'Alene