Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Don't drink the privatized liquor punch

| February 12, 2012 8:00 PM

Guest Opinion


Special to The Press

Idaho, take note! Washington voters decided to take the control of alcohol sales away from the state and give it to private store owners after being convinced that by doing this it would lower the cost.

And now, the cost of alcohol is going up there, from 17 percent to 27 percent. What costs will increase for the Washington public to help recoup the loss of the revenue the state was getting from liquor sales, such as higher vehicle registration fees, taxes, school levies, etc., or will it be in cuts for essential emergency services fire, police and/or education? Do not be fooled: The state will get that lost money from somewhere else.

Now we hear that the newly formed Idaho Federation of Reagan Republicans wants to do the same thing here and are out in Idaho getting signatures to have it put on our ballot for voters.

In 2010, according to the Idaho State Liquor Division, the state received $47,199,481 from the sale of alcohol and more than 80 percent of that was distributed to cities, counties and the state's general fund. If Idaho voters are fooled and vote this in, then be prepared to open your wallets and start handing out more money than we are already. The state cannot lose that revenue and keep providing the services we now have without getting the money elsewhere. Do not forget all the lost jobs this will create and the extra drain on unemployment, welfare, etc.

In Washington, Costco was a big backer of this action and for those who think they will be able to go to Costco and get their favorite alcohol cheaper, they may be surprised. Costco cannot and will not carry all the brands that our state-run liquor stores do, so your favorite might not be on their shelves. You will have to go to the privately owned liquor stores and the cost would vary from store to store. By having the state-run stores, it does not matter where in Idaho you go; you know the price will be the same for each store and the price is not that much for the convenience and selection available.

So, Idaho voters, think before you sign any petition that privatizes liquor sales and disbands the Idaho Liquor Division on the ballot. We have lost enough with the economy in its current state; let's not lose any more when we have control over this issue. I would rather pay the cost as it is now for a bottle, rather than pay hundreds of thousands more in other fees and taxes, and then have the cost per bottle go up anyway, as it has in Washington.

For those who don't buy alcohol and think this will not have an effect on you, think again. It will in higher taxes, fees or whatever other ways the state finds to make up for its money loss or the services it will be forced to cut. Remember, in the end the state will not lose revenue. We will.

Rick Bayles is a Coeur d'Alene resident.