Sunday, October 13, 2024

Declutter and destress your life with biofeedback

| December 26, 2012 8:00 PM

Life happens and the emotions triggered from life experiences often stay with us. We hold onto these emotions in places such as our spine, organs, muscles, and the energy fields that surround our bodies. We also hold onto emotions in our genes, passed down from our ancestors.

Biofeedback can clear this clutter, this baggage if left unattended, creates stress and ultimately negatively affects your life. The National institute of Health recognizes that 87 percent of all illness can be directly attributed to stress.

Using our INDIGO or SCIO biofeedback devices, we can measure reactivity to more than 11,000 stress and psychological parameters and offer more than 90 different types of electrical/energetic trainings that can support the body in reducing stress and de cluttering your life.

Does it work? "Yes!" is the reply from clients like Ellen and Lynne. "I sought out Biofeedback because I was stressing about my life being too cluttered at work, home, and personally. After just one biofeedback session I was energized and thinking clearly. Things started falling into place for me during my sessions. And now, when others get upset about the politics at work, I am better able to remain calm and productive," reports Ellen. Lynne agrees and adds, "I am so much more at peace with myself and with the people in my life, the pain that I have experienced for years is gone, and the best part is that I continue to lose weight."

Other clients report:

• the ability to relax more quickly

• improved sleep

• reduction of stress, tenseness and nervousness

• improved general health and sense of well being

• reduction of anger, fear, apprehension and gloominess

• heightened muscle mobility, coordination, flexibility and sport performance

• enhanced mental clarity, memory and improved attention

• decreased pain and or headaches

Treating yourself or family members to Biofeedback sessions is a perfect start for the New Year for as you let go and release all that you no longer need, you empower your body and mind to find peace within yourself and through this peace, live your life to its highest potential.

Integrative Wellness at 579 W. Hayden Ave. in Hayden offers Quantum Biofeedback by Certified Biofeedback Specialists Julie Hunt and Mary Kinsey. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at (208) 762-2270 or email Julie at