Thursday, October 10, 2024

Christmas dreams of our military brothers

by Jack Evensizer
| December 21, 2012 8:00 PM

With the holiday season here, we turn our thoughts to Christmas decorations, holiday cheer with family and friends, and of course we look forward to opening those presents under the tree. Houses are lighted along the lane to grandma's house with bright Christmas colors. I don't think we use a "one horse open sleigh" anymore, but traveling down the lane is delightful, especially when we have a white Christmas.

We have visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads. But the clatter on the lawn (to see what was the matter) turned out to be insurgents. Too bad the dream of Christmas was disrupted.

Insurgents are in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Korea we called them infiltrators from the North. Sappers were prevalent in Vietnam, and who could even have a name for them but ENEMY in the World Wars.

Yes, even though visions of sugar plums are dancing in our heads, we realize that we were still there during this time of year, hoping to see Christmas at home next year. Fear not, valiant warriors, we are in this together, like it or not. As we band together to fend off another attack, we have the Christmas spirit within us, hoping that we all get home safely.

Ask a veteran what they were doing during the Christmas holiday season and you will get some amazing stories. It is not uncommon to see Santa hats mixed with combat gear. It brings the spirit of Christmas to us all.

Our North Idaho troopers are home now, celebrating Christmas with their families this year. The Post Falls 116th CAV returned last fall after its second deployment in Iraq. The highly decorated 455th Engineers of Hayden have been home since late 2007 from their deployment in Iraq called "Task Force Pathfinder," a route clearing mission, one of the most dangerous of all endeavors. I'll bet they have some stories to tell!

Please remember that we still have thousands serving in hostile fire zones, and that our brave Navy is patrolling the seas. Our Coast Guard keeps our shores safe from intruders, while our Air Force dominates the skies. And of course "The Few, The Proud, The Marines" are ready for deployment at a moment's notice. Need I say that our Army is the best in the world?

In keeping with the best, my good friend Larry Scott proudly served with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam, demonstrating the epitome of Duty, Honor, Country. Even at this time of year, he is honored to give his life for his country. He has stage 4 cancer form Agent Orange and this will be his last Christmas. Make it a good one, my friend.

From distant lands, a Christmas song will be in the hearts of our troopers, steadfastly doing their duty:

I'll be home for Christmas

You can count on me

Please have snow and mistletoe

And presents under the tree

Christmas Eve will find me

Where the love light beams

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams

Merry Christmas everybody!

Jack Evensizer is a resident of Dalton Gardens.