Saturday, October 05, 2024

Big Government on runaway path

by Delphine Kenney
| December 1, 2012 8:00 PM

After World War II the U.S. Government wanted to protect our country from further attacks. One finding, learned from the Japanese, was an armed citizenry is the best deterrent . The Japanese stated the one big reason they did not attack the continental U.S. is because every corn field, wheat field, every forest and building or home would hide gun bearing citizens and since they could not fight a never ceasing army of armed citizens their decision was to attack Hawaii instead. We are a gun bearing people. the world knows it and if our rights to bear arms is rescinded, powerful enemies will have opportunity to take over the country. The founding fathers had determined the only way to protect the populace against others who would harm us and even our own government, is to empower the people. The United Nations has some thoughts about us in that respect; hence the International Arms Treaty has been signed by our own Secretary of Defense Hillary Clinton. This treaty will be signed by our Congress at some point, and will require every gun owner in the United States to register their weapons. The government will then know where the guns of our citizens are and can confiscate them at any time. So many regulatory acts, signed into law by the president (illegally, of course bypassing Congress) that if he sends his militia to your home before they get done inspecting your property they will have found several points where you are breaking the law and if you are a threat or use your free speech against them they could arrest you and put you in jail. That is why the President wanted to do away with the Writ of Habeas Corpus which protects us from Government strong arming their citizens.

Our president took $716 billion out of Medicare to fund his health care plan. He spent two years passing this health plan and everything else suffered as a result. Seniors who are well versed in government policies, know the reason we didn't get any Social Security increases for two years (2011 and 2012). In a well thought strategy, groceries and gas prices were taken out of the COLA index equation. Very convenient for them, devastating for us because most of us feel the gas and food price increases as the most hurtful. They raised enough money from that thievery to pay for the gigantic health computer programs which provide the government the necessary tools to keep track of every dollar paid for doctor/hospital/drug expense/medical. Doctors are mandated to update all this data or get fined if they don't. Washington D.C. has a panel in place or the so-called "dirty dozen plus" which will decide which procedures you can have based on the cost, your age, condition,and if they decide you deserve it or not. If you are a heavy user of medical monies you could be denied benefits easily.

By the way the Social Security Benefit check is now called Federal Government Entitlement We, the People, paid into this fund for all of our working years, matched by our employers, so we could have a decent retirement that we could plan on. Our government robbed the fund of every penny for pork barrel spending and projects such as bridges to nowhere, airport runways for one airplane to land a day etc. etc. etc. That money was ours by right of ownership - it was never an entitlement. In the past, social security always recorded surpluses but our greedy, salivating Congress could not bear to watch that money keep growing for good, honest hard working people, so when the Democratic Congress majority voted to place SS funds in the readily available General Fund, the trust account was no more and all subsequent income from payroll deductions are deposited into the government's general fund and spend as they choose. They do not pay it back, never have, never will. So they can and do say with a straight face that Social Security is bankrupt not created by the government but because we have too many seniors. The congressional salaries , retirement benefits, health care are benefits for them alone. They are treated as royalty, deserving huge benefits and they get special treatment after one term in office While the backbone of this country worked for years to accrue their retirement, our Congress is entitled after one term in office. That is an entitlement and retired people resent the rhetoric coming out of White house that Social Security is an entitlement. No wonder everyone in this country strives for government office. We definitely need term limits, for all of Congress and the Supreme Court not just the Presidential office. We now know we cannot trust the whole judiciary system.

We, The People have lost control and it is certain we will lose more of our freedoms. Our success as a nation, envied by all the world, was built by a hard working proud people which is being replaced by a complacent society wooed by government handouts. Free handouts make for a laziness and lethargy that is now becoming more familiar as time passes. The vast population looked to better themselves through hard work, goals and attaining better things for our children, not resentful of the rich but believing the future for our own success. We have been taken over by a world of extremists never seen before and the end result is our future has been radically changed. Look at Europe and recognize our future. We are copying implementing the same policies that birthed an explosive, chaotic militant society rioting because the golden goose who lays the golden eggs has died. The greatest generation is no more. We of that generation have watched in disbelief as our kids go to colleges that foster and spawn communist teachers. One thing that the communist party rhetoric taught in these colleges is: "if you want to take total control of a country, you first put the country in massive debt." Povertizing the middle class and bringing most of the population to readily accept handouts is the process known as Big Government.

Come on, do we have to say goodbye to all that is great in our land just to satisfy a few politicos.

Delphine Kenney is a Post Falls resident.