Sunday, September 22, 2024

JOBLESS: A way to fix problem

| August 22, 2012 9:15 PM

I have figured out one way to alleviate the appalling unemployment statistics! Actually it’s a “no brainer,” but corporations are too blind (or too greedy) to see the issue.

I just hung up my phone after listening to a five-minute automated spiel from my drug company telling me that my prescription has no more refills available and what I should do about it. I’m not in kindergarten. I am perfectly aware of how to renew my prescriptions. It is insulting that these companies have the gall to handle business this way. Why is the bottom line more important than putting people to work? A friendly human reminder would have been perfectly fine. There is nothing better than human communication.

This company (which shall remain nameless) now has heard my complaint — if, indeed the poor customer relations person, whom I called to air my complaint, passed it along without fear of losing his job.

They have lost my business. I will no longer deal with this long distance automated entity which offers “free home delivery.” Instead I’ll do my part to support a local pharmacy and, hopefully, keep a neighbor employed.

If we all boycotted companies that use these non-human machines to conduct business, more people would have jobs. Think about it.

