Wednesday, October 09, 2024

LIBRARIES: Close book on manners

| August 19, 2012 9:00 PM

Was a time in USA when public libraries were studious polite places of reading, learning, and studying. Noise was kept down to a whisper.

Was. Libraries now are places of computer games, laughing, joking and loud conversations.

Just the other day, with ear plugs in and special noise suppressing headphones on, I strained to hear another author tell of the real reasons for the Revolutionary War while loud talking from computer gamers distracted my concentration.

In Ben Franklin’s visit to England in 1750, he responded to the question of what the colonies did with their poor and unemployed; his answer was that colonies had none. Each colony issued the proper amount of currency needed for commerce and paid no tribute/usury to anyone, resulting in no poor or unemployed. Knowledge of this caused English bankers to pressure Parliament to pass Currency Act of 1751. With that act, unemployment and poverty came to the colonies. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was the real reason for war in 1776.

Is this fact taught in the schools? Not since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. What is the result? Perpetual debt slavery and inflation in USA.

Really, people and countries get the government they deserve. Used to be that USA led the world in about every productive category. Now, USA leads only in debt, obesity and number of people in jail per capita.

And the noise and games at the public libraries continues. More bread and circuses.

