Monday, October 07, 2024

RECALL: McEuen then - and now

| April 20, 2012 9:00 PM

Having lived in this community for more than 60 years, I would like to express a few thoughts on McEuen Park and the recall effort. McEuen Park has the potential to be a wonderful park for thousands of people but has been very underutilized. We have an opportunity to make it so much better.

When I was a child, McEuen became the first softball field for little girls. A few years later, the little girls’ fields were replaced by the boys’ field. It was something just “done” by the Park and Rec. Department. We were a bit resentful. In retrospect, it was probably the best use of the space at the time. Now it is time to move on and make better changes.

When we were young, the waterfront was not nearly appreciated enough. No one thought much about putting a parking lot on prime property. Now I believe it is one of the most absurd things I’ve seen. We have this gorgeous waterfront and use it for a parking lot? When the community was asked what they would really like for McEuen, the No. 1 request was green space extending to the water. The area used for boat trailer parking is a gem of property and could be used for many community activities. Right now, a few people who can afford boats, trailers and big vehicles to pull them get exclusive use of this piece of property. This seems quite unfair. In the spirit of compromise (they are keeping the launch) boaters should be more than happy to park a few hundred feet away or hire a valet service to park their rigs. Let some of the average citizens enjoy a place near the water for picnics and activities.

I believe our city has improved greatly with our current mayor and council. Like much of politics these days, the recall effort seems to be instigated by special interest groups protecting their turf rather than considering the best for the whole community. I strongly recommend “Decline to Sign.” Don’t let this group replace elected officials with unelected cronies.


Coeur d’Alene