Sunday, October 06, 2024

Here comes 9 cents a gallon 'Gasinine'

by April Fuel
| April 1, 2012 9:00 PM

If the high price of gas is the greatest threat to President Obama's re-election, Democrats have the answer.


"It's a revolutionary new product that will cost 9 cents a gallon at the pump and guarantee at least 99 miles per gallon on the road," said EweMae Fillerup, Democratic Party spokeswoman. "Republicans can stick that in their gas tanks and sniff it."

Fillerup said the product was developed at Democratic Headquarters in Washington, D.C. While she declined to disclose the patented chemical formula, she did say "Gasinine contains nine secret ingredients and it's compressed by hot air" that is in abundant and free supply in the nation's capital.

Republicans, meantime, are outraged.

"First we have Obamacare," said GOP spokeswoman Penney Pinscher, "and now we have Obamacar. It's not fair. In fact, it's stupid - I just can't think of the right word for it."

Pinscher said the Republican Party has gone on the offensive, releasing its five-step plan in a national TV ad blitz. She says citizens should:

• Ride bicycles

• Walk whenever possible

• Buy electric-powered vehicles

• Use mass transit

• Question the legitimacy of Obama's driver's license

Because quantities of Gasinine are limited, only one gas station per county across the U.S. will be authorized to sell the product. For the first month, every purchase of one or more gallon of Gasinine will receive nine free tickets in the new lottery game, MegaMorons.

In Kootenai County, Gasinine will be available only at