Sunday, October 13, 2024

FEDS: Here'sone way to fix everything

| September 14, 2011 10:00 PM

Recently while discussing our country's political situation, my wife came up with the long-sought answer to our nation's financial and political problems. Listen to this.

First, at time of registration or voting, when a voter declares they are either a Republican or a Tea Party member, their name is immediately put on a special list. This list then goes to the Social Security Administration. The names on this list are checked against those receiving any benefits from Social Security, SSI, Medicare or Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment benefits, etc.

At that point the logical, honest action proceeds; that is, all of these individuals are removed from the payment lists for all these federally-funded programs including those administered by states or local agencies. By voting for "no federal government" candidates from the Tea Party or Republican parties these folks are no longer eligible for federal benefits.

If you rant and rave against the feds and want most federal programs eliminated or slashed to the point of non-functioning, why would you want any of this federal money?

Isn't this a bit hypocritical? Don't you want to keep your purse and checkbook pure and clean of dirty federal money?

Of course you have every right to vote for anyone you wish. If you espouse the positions of candidates who wish to eliminate all these federal programs then you should be intellectually honest. Refuse any money or butter or cheese or whatever from the feds.

Just think of the billions and billions this would save our Treasury. All these savings would go a long way in reducing the deficit and we could easily balance the budget with these dollars and a few more from our bloated Defense Department. Isn't this the perfect answer? All these anti-fed voters are relieved of their hypocrisy feelings and our federal budget crisis is solved. Ain't America great?

