Sunday, October 13, 2024

KHS: Organization going to the dogs

by Gina RoneKelly Breedlove
| September 2, 2011 10:00 PM

Recently, Coeur d'Alene received the prestigious title of Dog Town USA - but not all is well in paradise. Let's look at the Kootenai Humane Society (KHS), where volunteer dog walkers have experienced a realm of emotions over the past year. Without a doubt our main motivation is the dogs - we've walked miles in snow, rain, wind and summer heat for that reason and are elated yet full of tears when one of our pals finds a home.

In the past year, we've seen many transformations at KHS. A change in management occurred in 2010 and a new executive director with no previous shelter experience was hired, resulting in the loss of our Certified Behavior Specialist. When frustrations led to a meeting between the board and volunteers earlier this year, the board stated that they would now be hands-on directors. Ironically, at any given day you will likely not see any of the board members picking up a leash to gain insights of everyday life at the shelter.

Board members also stated that previous management had left the shelter in dire need of repair leaving them with no control of shelter policies. The reality was that, in four years, the previous director established policies, procedures and best practices that brought the organization a long way from the dysfunctional group they were before he came. He also had them the closest they will ever be to having a much needed new shelter.

The Board of Directors by-laws were changed to NOT elect directors by a membership vote but rather appoint replacements. Some board members have served for more than 10 years and a request to modify the by-laws and instituting term limits was unanimously rejected by the board. The directors (within their rights) hire/fire management at KHS.

Questions concerning the amount of monies spent on remodeling and purchase of a construction trailer for executive office space were answered by "donations." Granted that some of the remodel was necessary, but it all stopped at the entrance to the dog kennels, an area in dire need of upgrade. The depressing kennels and unsafe kennel doors, latches, etc. are in disrepair and potential traps to volunteers - all long-standing problems that have not been addressed.

When the official KHS website, the link to the community, was out of commission for more than half a year, the lack of monies and a webmaster were provided as the reason. We therefore question the wisdom of dollars spent as there is no financial accounting that puts the animals rather than people comfort first.

This spring we were told our volunteer input was not only needed but welcomed; however, discussions have been met with aggression. We have heard dishonest answers and time and again our comments and suggestions have been ignored. We have seen the hiring of inexperienced management that is reflected by their unprofessional and disrespectful manner. The hostility and lack of administration emanating from management has been the cause of volunteers fading away from the shelter - the dogs pay the real price of such disarray.

Change can be good but should not be a one way street done by a select few who answer to no one. In our observations, a step backward is occurring. KHS no longer has a full-time vet or Certified Behavior Specialist, resulting in problem adoptions so that animals are often returned. If the board truly wants to be "hands on," it is time for them to be responsible for their managers and to be accountable to the people of this county who put their trust and donations into this organization.

Gina Rone and Kelly Breedlove are former KHS volunteers.