Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Classics cart in pet food

by Alecia Warren
| October 2, 2011 9:00 PM

It wasn't the typical Saturday traffic outside the Kootenai Humane Society.

A snaking line of over 20 gleaming, polished classic British sports cars, including curvy Austin Healeys, sleek Jaguars, and a sprinkling of Beamers and American-made Corvettes.

They rolled in bearing both their proud, doting owners, as well as between 600 and 800 pounds of pet food donations tucked in the manicured back seats.

"Food, blankets, whatever they could fit in their tiny cars," observed Rondi Renaldo, KHS executive director.

The stylish contribution was made by the philanthropic members of the Inland Empire MG Classics car club and the Northwest British Classics club.

Their fourth or fifth year dropping off donations to KHS, this is one of their many contributions to the community, said Ray Peterson, vice president of the Inland Empire MG Classics.

"This is what we do," he said, standing beside his glittering '58 model.

Peterson organizes the KHS donation, he added, because he has a soft spot for animals.

"The little guys can't fend for themselves," the Post Falls man told Renaldo. "Someone else has to take care of them."

The club members parked their beauties on the grass for some group shots before climbing in and snaking back out again, this time on the way to Peterson's for a celebration lunch.

Maybe the cars aren't necessary for the delivery, Peterson acknowledged.

But this group of folks will scramble for any excuse to get their toys out of the garage, he said.

"All of us have a passion for cars, whether Austins or Corvettes," he said. "If it's got four wheels, we're interested."

Renaldo was still reeling from the surprise after the exhaust cleared from their departure.

"There have been a lot of prayers lately, because we're really low on food," she said. "This is amazing. They came right at that time."