Wednesday, September 25, 2024

High gas prices linger

by Brian Walker
| May 21, 2011 9:00 PM

POST FALLS - Dan Johnson is fuming over gas prices.

The Post Falls man is tired about hearing how they'll drop - only to find out they don't.

"I'll believe it when I see it," he said while filling up in Post Falls on Thursday. "They keep holding on and on. It stinks when $50 doesn't even come close to filling you up."

According to AAA, prices averaged $3.79 a gallon in Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls on Thursday, a rise of 14 and 9 cents respectively from a month ago. Post Falls is generally a dime more.

The price is between the state average ($3.77) and national average ($3.91).

Dave Carlson, AAA spokesman, said that the fuel retailers buy often doesn't cover the cost of the next higher tankload, so they can't reduce prices.

"They're always playing catchup when prices are on sustained runs like they have been this year," Carlson said. "When prices they pay are coming down, likewise they hold off dropping pump prices to get the full value of the tank they have already purchased."

Carlson said tight inventories at refineries, which have been operating around 81 percent capacity, can keep prices up.

Carlson said AAA does not foresee any major or rapid drops in prices, but the travel organization does expect they will come down this summer. OPIS, a company that provides data to AAA, says summer prices nationally should be in the range of $3.25 to $3.75.

"Wholesale gas prices have dropped quite a bit," Carlson said.

Three weeks ago, the gas futures price - essentially a wholesale price predicted for delivery a month out - was at $3.45. On Thursday, it was around $3.

"Once refinery inventories rise - and there's financial incentive to do so - prices should come down," Carlson said.

Post Falls' Janice Gray said she will refrain from traveling any distance over Memorial Day or this summer until they do.

"We'll just try to do things closer to home and take advantage of what this area has to offer," she said. "We can still play locally."

Even with lingering high gas prices, AAA predicts overall travel will inch upward - .2 percent - both regionally and nationally over the holiday from a year ago. Last year, travel stunned AAA with a 14 percent increase.

"Don't expect the kinds of increases we saw a year ago," Carlson said. "Travelers will find ways to compensate by taking shorter trips and spending less once they get to their destinations. Some travelers may trade shopping or dining for hiking, sightseeing and eco-tourism activities."

Based on regional predictions for travel originating in the Mountain states, the approximate number of Idahoans traveling 50 miles or more during the holiday period is expected to be 188,000.

"Weather permitting - and consistent with anecdotal information from our travel planners - we believe Idaho travelers will opt for camping trips and outdoor activities closer to home," Carlson said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Gas price averages

Thursday Month ago 6 mo. ago Year ago

Coeur d'Alene $3.79 $3.65 $2.91 $2.90

Post Falls $3.79 $3.70 $2.98 $2.98

Idaho $3.77 $3.67 $2.95 $3.10

U.S. $3.91 $3.84 $2.91 $2.85