Sunday, January 05, 2025

KIDS: Not their fault they're hungry

| March 27, 2011 10:00 PM

In response to the "Good ole boys, again" letter of March 18, there were many comments in this letter that I take issue with. However one in particular prompted me to respond to the writer.

It concerns the comments regarding the free breakfast and lunch programs at the schools. The comment "If only the parents could feed their own children, (what a concept)."

Agreed, that would be great for all parents to be able to afford the basics in life, however there are many in our community who struggle at this time. I found your comment very offensive to those parents.

Many families have seen their income cut drastically and their jobs eliminated. And they may find themselves in need of assistance to feed their children.

In our community we have families with children living in shelters, in campgrounds, in cars and in motels. We have children being raised by grandparents on fixed incomes.

This is a federally funded program for those children in need, and they need nutritious food to have a chance.

So if you must, go ahead and rail against the "good ole boys" in SD 271. But back off the kids who, through no fault of their own, are the silent victims in these tough times.


Coeur d'Alene